All-Star Agenda

8:00 – Opening Comments (Sen. Knopp and Rep. Helfrich)
8:20 Polling and Messaging (Buchanan)
9:15 Building your organization and strategy (Avery/Adams)
9:45 Break
10:00 Ground Campaign (Parr/Draper/Girolami)
11:00 Fundraising
11:45 – Lobby Lunch
12:30 – Video/Media (Parr/Walker/Adams)
1:00 – Digital (Heynen/Ridley/Brown)
2:00 Etiquette (Trumbull)
2:45 – Break
3:00 Media/Mail (Adams/Avery/Parr)
4:15 – Candidate Review/Why are you running video? (Parr/Hack/Adams)
5:00 – Adjourn

I’d like to work it out so that in the end, it comes down to a pure guts race. If it is, I’m the only one who can win it.

– Steve Prefontaine

All-Star Faculty

OCI's faculty is made up of the best campaign operatives in Oregon, the Pacific Northwest, and the country.

Sen. Tim Knopp

Senator Knopp has successfully run competitive campaigns for nearly 25 years as a State Representative and Senator from Central Oregon. His current campaign is expected to be one of the most competitive races in the state.

Jeff Helfrich

Jeff represents House District 52 and was elected leader of the House Republican Caucus in September 2023. He serves as vice chairman of the Rules Committee, and he serves on the Ways and Means, Legislative Administration, and Legislative Counsel Committees. Jeff and his family live in Hood River.

Chuck Adams

Considered one of Oregon’s top Republican political consultants, The Oregonian referred to Chuck as the Republican’s most influential player in Oregon today. Chuck and his firm, New Media NW, have a 75% win record dating back four decades.

Evan Ridley

Founder of Hype Strategies, a public strategy firm, Evan has extensive experience in political and public affairs, collaborating with prominent elected officials, corporations, associations, and advocacy groups. Evan recently played key roles in Washington’s redistricting and a $275 million flood safety bond referral in OR.

Austin Brown

Account Manager for New Media NW, a full service political consulting firm in Salem. He helps oversee campaign strategy and operations for all levels of races. He has worked on a number of political races from City Council to Governor. He has a BS in Political Science from the University of Idaho and is currently pursuing a master’s degree at Johns Hopkins University.

Bonnie Trumbull

Corporate Etiquette
and International Protocol Consultant. Advises individuals, corporations, associations, and universities in the two, uniquely different areas of protocol and business etiquette.

Brent Buchanan

CEO & Founder of Cygnal, an innovation-driven public opinion polling and predictive analytics firm. He started the company in 2007 as a regional general consulting firm but transitioned the organization in 2017 to focus fully on solving the problems with political polling and insights.

Joey Parr

Joey is a Partner at Murphy Nasica & Associates, one of the top firm’s specializing in grassroots and direct voter contact. Joey also heads up media production and is a strategic general consultant for many of our established political clients. Joey’s work has received multiple awards over the years, and he was selected by the AAPC as one of their 40 Under 40 in 2022.

Jodi Hack

Jodi is a former State Representative who quickly rose to be part of House Republican Leadership. Jodi is now the Regional Director of PhRMA.

Cole Avery

Cole is the Executive Director of Evergreen PAC. He worked last election cycle as the Senior Political Advisor to previous RNC Co-Chairman Tommy Hicks. Cole spent over six years as a communicator on Capitol Hill for U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy and former Congressman Ralph Abraham, both of Louisiana. He also served as Press Secretary for U.S. Senator John Kennedy’s 2016 campaign.